Don't Be a Donkey | Nairobix

The Lion, the Donkey, and the Missing Brain: A Aesopian Tale of Wit and Warning

Aesopian fable, wit, wisdom, lion, donkey, fox, savanna, brain, trickery, trust, lesson

Embark on a savanna adventure with a cunning fox, a trusting donkey, and a hungry lion. This witty fable teaches a valuable lesson about using your brain and avoiding sweet talkers.

In the heart of the savanna, where the sun beat down and the grass swayed with secrets, lived a cunning fox and a rather simple donkey. One scorching afternoon, the mighty lion, his stomach growling like a thunderstorm, roared a command to the sly fox. "Fox," he boomed, his voice shaking the leaves, "bring me something delicious, or you'll be my next meal!"

The fox, his whiskers twitching with mischief, scurried off. He soon stumbled upon the donkey, peacefully munching on some thistles. "My dear friend," the fox purred, his voice dripping with honeyed lies, "the lion has a most honorable proposition! He wishes to crown you KING of the savanna! Come, let us claim your throne!"

The donkey, ears perked with pride, followed the fox without a single doubt. But as they reached the lion's clearing, the king of the jungle pounced! With a swipe of his paw, the lion ripped off the donkey's ears. The poor donkey, bruised and bewildered, brayed in protest. "You tricked me!" he cried to the fox. "The lion tried to kill me!"

The fox, his eyes twinkling with amusement, chuckled. "Nonsense, my friend! He merely removed your old, floppy ears to make way for the magnificent crown! Come, let's return and claim your rightful place!"

Blinded by dreams of grandeur, the donkey, despite the throbbing pain, agreed. This time, the lion's attack stole the donkey's tail. "This is outrageous!" the donkey brayed, fear finally flickering in his eyes.

The fox, ever the smooth talker, soothed, "My dear king, the lion merely removed your tail so you can sit comfortably on your throne! Now, let's return and claim your destiny!"

The donkey, his trust misplaced, followed the fox back to the clearing. This time, the lion's hunger proved too strong. With a mighty roar, he devoured the hapless donkey.

Turning to the fox, the lion rumbled, "Well done, you cunning creature. Now, skin the fool and bring me his heart, liver, and lungs for a feast fit for a king!"

The fox, with a sly grin, got to work. But instead of the brain, he devoured it himself, a sly reward for his trickery. He then presented the remaining organs to the lion.

The lion, his eyes narrowing, roared, "Where is the brain?!"

The fox, wiping his mouth with a feigned innocence, replied, "Your Majesty, it seems your royal feast is missing a key ingredient –  brains!  For if the donkey had possessed any, surely it wouldn't have returned to you after you ripped off its ears and tail!"

The lion, struck by the truth, could only grumble in agreement.

Remember, friends, a full belly is a happy belly, but an empty head can lead you straight into a lion's den. So, use your brain, think twice, and don't be fooled by sweet talkers!

Aesopian fable, wit, wisdom, lion, donkey, fox, savanna, brain, trickery, trust, lesson