Poison That Kills Men | Nairobix

 Poison That Kills Men

Poison That Kills Men

Quite a long time ago a wonderful young lady became weary of her marriage life and needed to kill her mate. One morning she hurried to her mom and tell her " mother, I'm fed up with my husband, I can never again uphold his hogwash. 

Can you please assist me, mother? 

I want to kill him but am afraid the law will hold me responsible. The mom responded: - Indeed my girl I can help you, at the same time, there is a little undertaking connected. "What task?" asked the daughter? 

I'm willing and able to take on any obligation to get him out. 

The mother agreed, 

1. To avoid suspicion when he passes away, you will need to make peace with him. 
2. You should enhance yourself to look youthful and appealing to him 
3. You must take excellent care of him and express your gratitude to him. 
4. You need to have patience, love, be less jealous, listen more, and be more respectful and submissive. 
5. Even if he didn't give you money for something, don't be angry and spend your money on him. 
6. Don’t raise your voice against but Encourage Peace and Love so that you will never be suspected when he must have died.

Can you accomplish everything? 

Asked the mother. I can, yes. She answered 

The mother agreed. Take this powder and sprinkle a small amount on his daily meal; it will gradually kill him. 

The woman returned to her mother after 30 days and stated: Mother, I will not kill my husband once more. I have now come to love him because he has completely transformed into a more loving husband than I could have ever imagined. What can I do to prevent him from succumbing to the poison? Kindly assist my mother. She begged in a sad voice. 

The mother replied; My daughter, do not be alarmed. The Turmeric Powder I gave you the other day was all I had. It won't ever kill him. In fact, you were the poison that your husband's tension and dispassion was slowly killing off. It was the point at which you began adoring, regarding and esteeming him, you saved him.